Friday, January 21, 2011

Chasing Down Passion

By Linda Loveland Reid
Director of The Ticking Clock Project at 6th Street Playhouse

Born in Hollywood, then to rainy but lush Crescent City where father was a fisherman, and finally family settled in Healdsburg where I picked lots of prunes and eventually married my childhood sweetheart, from which was garnered three lovely children and one divorce.

I set off on a quest to find myself. My life partner is Harry Reid, writer, playwright and architect. Over the years, the muses have sent their blessings and I enjoyed a busy journey that includes oil painting, writing, and directing theater. Albeit a late blooming scholar, in 1999, at age 57, I collected two BAs (cum laude) from SSU in History and Art History. I am currently serving as President of Redwood Writers, the largest branch of California Writers Club in the State.

I was a teen-mom and had three children by age 20. Later, my grown children and I formed a family business, ReidLoveland Insurance, and still work together, 98% of the time with fun and pleasure. Was being a teen mother a good idea? Not recommended. If you do it, plan to change your life that day.

First novel (Touch of Magenta) was released in May 2009. To my surprise, it reflects my own experience, one which at age two stamped a curse or challenge (depending on how you see life) on me. Touch of Magenta explores integrity and morality, never simple issues.

I attribute everything I’ve done, or will do, to hard work. That probably sounds prosaic, but that’s it—a willingness to stay the course and a healthy dose of curiosity and passion. On this wild trek they call life, I’ve tried to live by two mottos: Be careful where you’re going because you’re going to get there. And: Never mistake your wish bone for your back bone. As you might imagine, my kids still love me to preach these grabbers.

So, my question is: What are you passionate about right now? Passion is the fuel for a happy life. Passion, like bliss, must be obeyed.

Thanks and…may you live 'til you tilt!

6th Street Playhouse celebrates Women’s History Month, March 2011 with a production of Jody Gehrman’s The Ticking Clock Project directed by Linda Loveland Reid (runs March 18 thru April 3, 2011 at 6th Street Playhouse) and with Essays for Women by Women like this one. More Essays for Women by Women will be posted on this blog between now and April 3. For tickets to The Ticking Clock Project call (707) 523-4185 ext. 1 or go to

1 comment:

  1. Going to Prison Was the Best Thing That Happened to Me

    By Sharon Beckman, Retired Executive VP of Columbia House Music

    When I left a high-powered job in New York City, there was a part of me that I lost. Without realizing it, my job with its corner office, expense-account lunches and heady meetings with corporate heads had defined who I was. That part was suddenly cut off and my confidence took a real hit.

    Then about two years ago I took some training to become a facilitator in an organization called Alternatives to Violence Project. This organization goes into prisons and provides workshops that emphasize affirmations, empathy and communication as an alternative to violent behavior.When I took my first workshop in my local community, I felt like I had a real “calling” for the first time in my life.

    Now, mind you—I had never thought about going into prison. What I knew about prison was seeing “Silence of the Lambs” and “Shawshank Redemption”. But there was something about this program that really spoke to me. I was so enthusiastic that I finished my training in prison. I would look around the workshop and see all these tough-looking guys with their tattoos and blue jeans with “Prisoner” stenciled on them and wonder what in my psyche brought me to this surprising endeavor.

    I made a commitment to go into prison once a month to facilitate workshops. The more I went, the more I felt at home with these guys. I suddenly realized that my background had perfectly prepared me for this next stage in my life. I grew up with two older brothers, and often in business, I was the only woman in meetings. So I was very comfortable in the company of men. All my corporate experience had given me the confidence to speak to a group of strangers and present information in a compelling way.

    Soon I realized that what separated me from these men was less important than what connected us—our humanity. My goal in a workshop is to reconnect these men with their humanity, and in doing so, connect with mine.

    My question is: What can you do to really surprise yourself—take yourself out of your comfort zone and discover a whole part of yourself that you’ve never been aware of.
